This is an invitation to a new generation, in which their games and entertainment are no longer separated.

About the project

In Brazil, it was developed a campaign to launch the Xbox One, with movies for TV and Cinema, ads, out of home media, digital actions, PDV and merchandising in different broadcast networks. The pre-launch started in social media, which had, as its starting point in the Brazil Game Show, after this period we launched the campaign in an exclusive 1 minute break of “Fantastico”, complemented by merchandising in the TV programs “CQC”, “Agora é Tarde”,”Altas Horas” and “Legendários”.

In printed media, fake magazine covers would show how the editions at the time of Ryse game, and in the digital editions were created some interventions, one of them was featured throughout the day consumers could command a catapult, and literally, destroy all major games portals. This was the largest segment of campaign ever held in Brazil.

Ficha Técnica

Creative Director: Fabio Matiazzi

Creation:Daniel Ogawa, Dago Nesi, Felipe Andrade, Breno Amaro and Rodrigo Zanchini

Producer: Hungryman

Director: Bryan Buckley

Producer: Rotina Studio

Director: Samuel Malbon


My name is Fabio Matiazzi.
You will see my work in a minute.